Today I kept remembering,

the first time I saw you.

Those dancing eyes,

the half-smile on your lips,

and the urgency of your voice.

Nor once did you cast

your eyes upon me;

me, who was sitting in front of you,

looking at you,

and just you.

A book in my hands,

half-reclining on the berth,

pretending to read,

forcing back the tears.

Yes, I was crying,

for, I was going away from my home,

leaving back the safe cocoon,

venturing into an unknown, unfriendly world.

And yet, your sight brought a joy to the heart.

I forgot the tears,

and a happiness lit up my world.

Oh! How I wanted those moments to be eternal.

But alas! That was not to be so.

The time took its course,

and so did you.

I couldn’t stop the time,

I couldn’t hold you.

You went away,

leaving back your memories.

The memories I hold dear to me,

close to my heart.

The memories that keep reminding me of the time

when I first saw you.
