There’s something about the birthday month that makes me pause and take stock. And it’s more than just celebrating another year of life. It’s a time to compare where I am with where I thought I would be. A natural checkpoint.

If you have been following me on any social media channel for any length of time, you know that I take goal setting and periodically checking its progress seriously. Very seriously. Not just at the cusp of a new year but milestones like the start of a new quarter, my children’s birthdays, even my anniversary. And definitely my own birthday.

It’s the one time when I step back and evaluate not just my recent achievements, but where I stand in the grander scheme of things.

As the years pass, especially after hitting milestone of 40, this reflection has become even more, shall I say, profound. The birthday month, then, is not just about the day—it’s about the journey so far.

I often compare my current reality with the dreams I had 20 or 30 years ago. Back then, I had a clear vision of where I thought I would be—running a software company or becoming a well-known writer. Life, however, took different turns. While I didn’t follow the exact path I once imagined, I always marvel at the journey I’ve been on.

The birthday month has thus become a time to recalibrate, ensuring that my life’s trajectory aligns with my evolving aspirations.

When young, dream with abandon

When I was in my late teens, my dreams were bold and ambitious. Like many of us, I had a clear vision of my future, and my aspirations felt within reach. In college, if someone had asked me where I saw myself 20 years later, I would have confidently said I’d be running a software company or making my mark as a famous writer.

These dreams were vivid, fueled by the excitement and optimism of youth.

One memory stands out clearly. During my post-graduation, when I got my first computer, I remember setting it up and being prompted to enter a company name. Without hesitation, I typed “Shweta Software Solutions (S-cube),” feeling a rush of pride as if I had just taken my first step toward that dream. It was a symbolic moment, capturing the essence of the aspirations I held close.

I had no idea about the world of startups and knew the name of precisely one tech founder – Mr. Narayan Murthy. But still, the idea of having my own software company was burnt deep in my mind.

When dreams meet reality

Looking back, these early dreams shaped much of my thinking and goals, even if life eventually led me down a different path. But then, was it so different, I wonder. Instead of starting one software company, I became an equal partner with my husband in setting up multiple businesses—six or seven in total, many of which are still running successfully today. An event management company, a computer institute, a restaurant, a manpower supply company and more.

While I didn’t end up running a software company or becoming a famous writer, I have found myself on a path that was equally fulfilling in unexpected ways. And who knows, I might have it in me to write a bestseller or two, becoming famous on the way.

I take this path differently travelled as a reminder that while our youthful dreams are important, life’s journey often brings us opportunities that we couldn’t have imagined back then. So it is important to keep our eyes and hearts open to what life is throwing at us.

Some days, when I relax and look back at my life journey, I realise how each step, even those that seemed off-course at the time, contributed to where I am now. This milestone month serves as a sweet reminder that I must celebrate the unexpected achievements and appreciate the twists and turns that have shaped my life. It’s a reminder that while we may not always follow the path we envisioned, the journey itself can be incredibly rewarding.

As my life takes a new turn

I stand at a new crossroad in my life. With kids growing up, and one of them preparing to leave for college soon, I find myself in a state of flux. The routines and responsibilities that once defined my days are shifting, leaving me with more time and resources.

I’m at a point where I no longer want to just keep doing the same stuff out of habit or for the sake of stability. No, I’m searching for new opportunities that align with who I am now, not just who I was 20 years ago.

Having more time has meant more time for reflection and the subsequent realisation that I have a chance to grow in ways I hadn’t considered before. I am taking this month to reconnect with my goals, reassess priorities and envision the future with renewed clarity. Think about how I can evolve and what new paths I might explore.

Whatever the path I might end up choosing, one thing is definite. It’s time to embrace change fearlessly. To step out of my comfort zone and to chart a course that excites and challenges me for the years ahead.

What do you think? Do you treat your birthday month special?

I use my birthday month as a time for reflection, celebration and growth. And not just one single day but the entire month because we need that much time to pause and take stock of where we are in our lives. After all, there is so much to do. Celebrate the progress we’ve made, reiterate the lessons learned and set our sights on what’s next.

For me, it’s a time to revisit the dreams I once had, to appreciate the unexpected paths my life has taken and to consider new opportunities. And trust me, every year I see new initiatives or new path materialising within 1-2 months of August.

I started my newsletter in September. My first ever strategy client happened in October. My first book was published in October. It can’t all be a coincidence, right?

When you approach your own birthday month, I encourage you to take this time to reflect on your own journey. Embrace the opportunity to realign with your aspirations and to celebrate the unique path that you’ve traveled. And then choose the unique path you want to traverse going forward.

Here’s to making the most of this special time, and to the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.